As you know Sunday we celebrated Epiphany. While Epiphany is celebrated on a day, it is also a season between Christmas and Lent. Interestingly, the Western church and the Eastern church celebrate Epiphany in different ways. In the West, we regard Epiphany as the day the wise men arrived in Bethlehem. in the East they consider Jesus' Baptism as Epiphany. This Sunday we will be celebrating the Baptism of Jesus through The Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service. In Romans 6 Paul says, "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." In the Covenant Renewal Service we remind ourselves that we are not our own, we belong to God. God does not need to renew God's covenant to us, but perhaps we've grown lack in some area, we forget to pray, we skip study of scripture, we have grown less generous in heart, time, or treasure. Whatever it may be, we use this as a day to renew our covenant to God. EVENTS THIS WEEK TUESDAY- Tonight starting at 6:30 at least 3 people are removinv the decorations at the church. If you want to make the work lighter, we would love a hand! WEDNESDAY - Community Dinner is Tacos. Starts at 5:30 SATURDAY 9:00 AM - Teen Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser